Our Membership
Guaranteeing freshness and helping to support other local businesses.
Why did we choose a membership model?
It's all about the freshness.
After chook health, ensuring quality is the most important part of our business – a quality product from chooks living a quality lifestyle.

We measure quality in terms of flavour and freshness. We know we have the flavour as the chooks are grazing on a mixed species pasture including chicory, rye grass, clover, paspalum, kikuyu, kangaroo grass and many more. The pasture is complimented with the most premium grain available that contains probiotics for chook gut health. The grain is also vegetarian which is critical in making sure we can use the paddock in a regenerative manner and it contains no meat meal.

But freshness is the key and is something we can absolutely control - this is why we launched Just Been Laid.
Without a membership model we couldn't control how long your eggs might sit on a store shelf.
So if you're particular about freshness, chook well-being and flavour then this might be for you.

Keeping with the theme of full transparency, as a bonus, we hoped that a membership model would also support other local business. As a side benefit of you collecting your eggs each week from these awesome venues we hope you'll also support them by snapping up a coffee or some yummy food at the same time.